Wednesday, March 15, 2017

My first post: an open letter to the faithful

Hello Friends,

     To summarize my thoughts and emotions in brief: I love you guys, but I am afraid that we are very lost. It is tremendously clear to me that reason and rational thought are the best way to solve problems as we navigate through Reality. We also recognize that we require an understanding of Truth before we can make a moral decision. Yet, for many of us, we will voluntarily dismiss these tools of rational thought when we actually encounter a problem. Even worse, we celebrate this dismissal and have given it a revered title: “faith”. Faith is believing in something without evidence. Many of us may use faith to find escape in an otherwise inescapable situation. I understand this. What I do not understand, is why we have prioritized faith outside of these scenarios? Why do we desire and promote faith in our schools, government, and our daily lives? Why do we desire faith in our friends and family? Together, we can solve today’s problems so they do not exist for us tomorrow. The ability to solve these problems is where our genuine wellbeing rests. We exist in a shared experience. We desperately need one another.

Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities ” - Voltaire, 17th century philosopher

When you believe in things that you don’t understand, then you suffer
-Stevie Wonder, 21st century musician

If I am wrong, then please let me know why I am wrong. I am desperately trying to reconnect with you all.  I am very open to being corrected. Why do we continue to believe in things for which there is no evidence? Why do we continue to believe in things that we don’t understand?

Much love

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